Recent News
The Institution of Rev. Rebecca Guildea
A wonderful evening in Garrison for the Institution of Rev. Rebecca Guildea.
The church was filled to capactity with people also watching from the Church Hall. Tea was served after in the Gilaroo Community Centre.
To watch the Institution of Rev. Rebecca Guildea click here.
To see more photographs click here.
Ngozi's last Sunday - Kiltyclogher
Canon Ngozi's last Service in Kiltyclogher was not possible owing to Level 3 Covid Restrictions. A harvest and farewell service was held in Garrison Church.
Pauline Carson gave Canon Ngozi a gift of money from the parishioners of Kiltyclogher Parish which she said reflected their appreciation of her work and ministry among them. From the first wedding to the last Baptism she said it was a pleasure to have worked with her. She also said they enjoyed her wit and good humour. She had reached out to the wider community and this was appreciated. They were very sorry she was leaving us but wished her the very best in her future life and ministry in London.
Ngozi's last Sunday - Belleek
Sunday 11th October was Canon Ngozi’s last service in Belleek. The organist was Mrs. Sadie Moore and Robbie Johnston sang ‘In the sweet by and by’. We were very pleased to have Louise Leonard and Anne McCaughey at the service. Accompanied by Louise, Anne sang, ‘An old Irish Blessing’. This was greatly appreciated by Canon Ngozi.
At the end of the service Rachel Love, Rector’s Churchwarden, paid tribute to Canon Ngozi and thanked her for 7 years amongst us. Rachel had found her a pleasure to work with and thanked her for her drive in services and daily prayers, enjoyed by the whole community during lockdown. Rachel said that Canon Ngozi was very much a ‘people person’ and would be missed by the whole community. She concluded by wishing her health, happiness and much success in Wembley- Wembley’s gain was our loss.
Canon Ngozi was presented with money by Helen Thompson, Secretary, a Belleek afternoon tea set on a wooden stand by Robert Johnston, Peoples’ Churchwarden, Lorraine Boyd, Treasurer, and William Pye.
Photography from Impartial Reporter
Thank you to the Impartial Reporter for their article.
Ngozi's last Sunday - Slavin
Canon Ngozi’s last service in Slavin
Canon Ngozi’s thanked everyone for the way in which she was welcomed from the first day she visited the Group of Parishes and for the support she received in her journey of ministry with us.
Audrey Ovens and her sister Marina sang a hymn specially chosen, ‘When we all get to Heaven’. Marina accompanied on guitar. The People’s Churchwarden,Tom Ovens, paid tribute to Canon Ngozi and thanked her for 7 years of ministry with us, always on call for all occasions. He presented her with a cheque on behalf of the parishioners.
Ngozi's last Sunday - Garrison
Canon Ngozi’s last service in Garrison.
Robin Boyd and Ryan Graham presented her with a gift on behalf of the Sunday School. The Churchwardens Jason Acheson and Adrian Elliott presented Canon Ngozi with a cheque on behalf of the parishioners.
After the presentations Lisa Beacom thanked Canon Ngozi for all her support and encouragement with Garrison Accordian Band, attending practice and parades. She was invited to accompany Rebecca Graham, Lisa and Gareth Beacom for the last hymn. In the video she is drumming to ‘Shall we Gather at the River’. She also accompanied them to the hymn ‘Seek Ye First’.
Ladies Evening for Ngozi
A Ladies’ Evening was held in Belleek when the Mothers’ Union Branch presented Canon Ngozi with a gift and wished her well in her new Parish in London. Canon Ngozi has been a member of MU, supporting us, taking our services and attending all the MU events in the Diocese. Dot Barlow (Branch Leader) made the presentation, and paid tribute to Canon Ngozi’s contribution. The ladies watched and reminisced over a slide show of events over Canon Ngozi’s 7 years with us. We were very pleased that some of the ladies from the Group also joined us.
Eileen Kirkpatrick's 90th Birthday
Father God we give thanks today for Eileen and all that she means to her daughters and family. We thank you for bestowing her with good health over her 90 years and we ask for your blessings on her in the years ahead.
We thank you for all her hard work over the years in Belleek Parish, in the Wark Hall and as a loyal member of Mothers’ Union. We ask you to continue to richly bless her. Amen.
Thank you Sadie!
Today in Belleek Church, Mrs. Sadie Moore was presented with a bouquet of flowers and a voucher by Rector’s Churchwarden, Rachel Love.
Sadie has been organist in Belleek Church for almost 40 years. In paying tribute, Canon Ngozi thanked Sadie, a very gifted organist, for her dedication over the years. Nothing was ever too much trouble and Sadie was always willing to accept changes- sometimes at short notice. Rachel also paid tribute to Sadie who was always in Church so early before each service, spending time in preparation. She referred to Sadie as a ‘true lady’. Sadie is stepping down her role as full time organist but she will still be playing in a temporary capacity.
A Garden Fete at the Rectory
A big thank you to all who came along and supported our Garden Fete at the Rectory. We were overwhelmed with all the support from within our Group Parish, the local Community, neighbouring Parishes and others who travelled considerable distances. It was great to see so many kids there enjoying the bouncy castle and other activities for them.
A grand total of £1800 was raised. All monies raised are for the upkeep of the Rectory.
Launch of Joy's Cookery Book - Cooking with Joy
in aid of Garrison Chruch Cooking
Vivienne Ferguson's Poetry and History Book Launch - The Slavin Poetry
Invite to Vivienne Ferguson's Poetry and History Book Launch
Stone Dedication
Harvest Thanksgiving was held in Slavin Church, combined with the Dedication of a memorial stone to Katherine Cecilia Elliott. The church was full to capacity with relatives travelling from Co. Cork and England. The stone was unveiled by Stanley MacAllister and Robin Ferguson, great grandsons and John Maguire, Managing Director of Belleek Pottery.
It was dedicated by the rector, Rev. Ngozi Njoku.
Rosemary Barton MLA and Alex Baird, Vice Chairman of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council attended the service.
Past organists of the church were also present.
Thomas Carson of Garrison Killed in World War I
Thomas J Carson was born in the townland of Knocknashangan, Garrison in 1897, the only child of William and Christina Carson.
Before WW1, the family moved to Kells in Co. Meath where they were employed by a family of landed gentry.
Following of the outbreak of the Great War and very much against his parent’s wishes, Thomas joined the army in Dublin. His parents bought him out however, he rejoined the 1st Irish Guards at Finner and landed in France on 21st September 1914. Thomas was fighting in the Battle of Festubert which began on the 13th May 1915 and he died on the 17th May from wounds he sustained in the battle at 17 years old.
When Thomas’ parents were informed of his death they were given no time off work.
His grave site is unknown however, it is thought he is buried at Brown’s Road, Military Cemetery, Festubert.
A memorial tablet/plaque was erected by Thomas’ parents in his memory in Garrison Parish Church and his name is on the list of those read out each year on Remembrance Sunday, as he is remembered.
After the war ended Thomas’ parents returned to Fermanagh and settled at Cashelnadrea, Garrison.
Private Carson has a number of relatives still living in Garrison Parish. |
The Rt Revd John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher confirmed 8 candidates from our Group in Kiltyclogher Church this afternoon. We wish Abi, Emma, Ethan, Carly, Skye, Levi, Aoife, and Oisin God’s richest blessings for the future.
Harvest in Kiltyclogher
The final Harvest in the Group was held in Kiltyclogher Church tonight. The Church was filled to capacity and was beautifully decorated with a huge array of flowers and vegetables. The service was led by the Rector, Rev. Ngozi. The preacher was Rev. Chancellor David Skuce from Inishmacsaint Parish Church. We were challenged to look after our planet, which God has given us, with a very interesting sermon involving two volunteers!
The choir sang 2 anthems, ‘Redeemed’ and ‘Pass me not O gentle Saviour.’ The organist was Joy Graham. A delicious Harvest Supper was held in the Holiday Centre after the service.
Harvest in Garrison
Garrison Church was beautifully decorated for Harvest, with lovely arrangements of flowers and vegetables. The service was led by Rev. Ngozi and the preacher was Abraham Storey. Joy Graham was the organist and also accompanied the choir. The choir pieces were, ‘Jesus send more labourers’ and ‘Strength for the Valleys’. A beautiful supper was served by the ladies of the Parish in Garrison Church Hall.
Harvest in Slavin
Tonight we had Harvest in Slavin. The Church was filled to capacity. The service was conducted by Rev. Ngozi and the special preacher was Rev. John Corrie. The Bible reading was read by Pat Russell, who was visiting from Hampshire. Vivienne Ferguson read Katherine Elliott’s poem entitled ‘Harvest’. The choir sang ‘Little is Much When God is in it’, accompanied by Mrs. Sadie Moore. Audrey Ovens sang the solo ‘King of Kings, Majesty’ and she also read 2 poems which she had written herself. We also had solos by Michelle Elliott from Inishmacsaint Parish and she was accompanied by Gillian Rutherford. A delicious supper was served after the service. Thank you to all who helped with decorating the church, cleaning up the grounds, and those who served supper.
Celebrating the Birthdays of Mrs Edith and Mrs Eileen Kirkpatrick
In Belleek Church we also celebrated Eileen Kirkpatrick’s forthcoming Birthday and Edie Kirkpatrick’s recent Birthday. Rachel Love thanked the Ladies for all they had done for Belleek Church and the Wark Hall by baking and making tea for over 60 years. Rachel also appreciated the way that Edie and Eileen are such great encouragers in the Church.
Eileen's grand daughter Aimée and her friend Wally sang a duet entitled, 'At the Cross'. Wally accompanied on guitar. Presentations were made to both Ladies by Rev.Ngozi and the Church Wardens Robert and Rachel. Birthday Cupcakes and juice were served after the Service. |
Belleek Church - Prize Giving Service
Today in Belleek Church was the Prize Giving Service. The Children performed 2 plays, one about Zacchaeus and the other was called ‘Doctor Doctor’. The children were presented with their attendance prizes by Rev. Ngozi. The Sunday School Children then presented the Sunday School teachers with presents. |
Garrison Church - Prize Giving Service
Sunday 17th June was the Sunday School Prize Giving in Garrison Parish Church. The children read different poems which included the use of marshmallows, raisins, chocolate chips and pop corn. They also took the letters of FATHER and gave us a meaning for each letter. Some of the children read Father’s Day poems and the older children recited the Apostle’s Creed. The lesson was read by Helen Thompson. Abi Brock played one of the hymns, ‘Jesus bids us shine’; Joy Graham was the organist. The children were presented with their prizes by Rev. Ngozi. Four members of the YWAM team who were staying in Garrison Rectory, were at church and spoke about their walk along the border from Rostrevor to Londonderry. Alex, one of the group, played the guitar and mouth organ and sang a song about the border walk which he had written himself.
After church, refreshments kindly donated by Dawn and Marion from the Holiday Centre, the Sunday School teachers and Rev. Ngozi were served. All men present were presented with gifts by Scott Brock and Ryan Graham.The collection was lifted by Scott and Ryan Carson assisted by Avril Thompson.
The Sunday School teachers thank all the children who took part in the service. They wish them an enjoyable summer break and ask them to please stay safe. |
Belleek Church - Soup Lunch
Today was a Group Service as it was the 5th Sunday of the month. The service was in Belleek Church and after the service a Soup Lunch was served in the Wark Hall. The donations from the lunch are going towards the Rectory Fund. £630 was raised. Rev Ngozi thanked all who helped organise and provide for the lunch. |
Baptism of Hollie Elizabeth Rose Deacon
Hollie Elizabeth Rose Deacon, baby daughter of Violet and David took place in Belleek Parish Church. The service of Baptism and Holy Communion were conducted by Rev. Ngozi Njoku. The Godparents were Edie Crawford and Jonathan Thompson |
Baptism of Blake Gerald Brock
Blake Gerald Brock, son of Arlene and Ian was baptized by Rev. Ngozi Njoku in Garrison Parish church on Easter Sunday. The Godparents were Amanda and Alan Brock.