Christmas Family Service

The Sunday School members From Slavin, Garrison and Belleek took part in the Christmas Family Service on Sunday 15th December.

The children acted out the Nativity, entitled ‘The journey of the Wise Men’.

The Wise Men travelled a long way to find the baby King. They were guided by the star and by five Riddles until they arrived with their gifts for the baby Jesus. On the way they had to deal with horrid Herod but they were very wise, because they continued their journey to Bethlehem without him.

At the end of the Service the Rector Rev.Ngozi Njoku, thanked all the children who had taken part; she thanked them for their faithful attendance at practices and the parents who provided transport. She also thanked the Sunday School teachers: Florence Earls, Doreen Earls, and Lorraine Kettyles. She also conveyed thanks to the organist Ethne Earls who also helped prepare the children for the service.

A group of those who took part in the Family Service

Avril, Aoife, Ethan & Aaron

Mary, Joseph & the Kings

Narrators- Confirmation Group