Slavin Harvest 2014

Slavin  Harvest was held on Friday 18th September. Rev. Ngozi led the Service and the Preacher was Mr. Gareth Hayden, minister of Derrygonnelly and Churchill Methodist. Gareth gave us a  challenging  address and reminded us of the bountiful harvest we have all received. He reminded us that we need to ask ourselves if we are ‘rich’ towards God.

The choir sang two anthems, ‘All The Way My Saviour Leads me’ and ‘God Made All Things Beautiful’.
A Harvest supper was served by the ladies after the service.
On Sunday 21st worship continued with a Harvest Family service, led by Rev. Ngozi. The Sunday School children took part by showing us the letter H-A-R-V-E-S-T and telling us what each letter stood for.
H-homes,  A- all,  R- recreation,  V- vegetables,  E-education,  S-share,  T-thanks.

Rev Ngozi then asked the children to make some words from the letters in Harvest.
The words, Tea, Starve and Share and their meaning at Harvest time, were discussed with them.  The speaker was Geoff  from  ‘Open Doors’. Using a Slide Presentation he gave us insight into the plight of many in places of conflict and poverty across the world and how his organisation helps in so many ways. He encouraged us to share what we have.  A collection was given to ‘Open Doors’.