Slavin, situated on the edge of Lough Erne, was built as a chapel of ease and was in much need of renovation. A new vestry including kitchen and toilet facilities has been built. The church was rededicated in April 2009 after extensive renovation to the whole building. It was in this church Catherine Elliott, daughter of Robert Williams Armstrong co-founder of Belleek pottery worshiped. She was organist there for many years and one of her poems immortalised the church and church yard.
Members of The Select Vestry
Rector's Churchwarden: |
Raymond Gregg |
People's Churchwarden: |
Tom Ovens |
Florence Earls |
Elizabeth Ovens |
Recent News
On Sunday 4th June In Slavin we welcomed four visitors to Slavin from Canada and two from Dublin.
We were pleased to have Doug Fletcher and his wife Twyla from Edmonton, Alberta, also Wendy Davison and Shirley Bullock from Ontario. The Dublin visitors were Kenneth Ferguson and Geoffrey Corry.
They were able to see the graves of their ancestors who lived at Tiernagher, Belleek. Geoffrey and Kenneth are grandsons of Alexander Ferguson. Doug Fletcher is a grandson of Elizabeth Ferguson and Wendy is a granddaughter of Frank Ferguson, all who came from Tiernagher. |
Bishop John McDowell and Rev. Ngozi Njoku with the Church Wardens of Slavin, Robert Ovens, (Rector’s) ,Thomas Ovens (People’s) and Florence Earls, Secretary of the Select Vestry and cousin of Ernie Stinson. Also included are Ernie’s relatives who travelled to the service. |
From left – Robert Ovens, (Rector’s Church Warden), Rev. Ngozi Njoku, Florence Earls (Secretary and cousin of Ernie), Bishop John McDowell, Robert Earls and Thomas Ovens (People’s Church Warden) |
Dedication of an Electrified Chruch Bell by the late Ernie Stinson
An Electrified Church Bell was dedicated in Slavin Church on Sunday 30th April 2017 in memory of the late Ernie Stinson. The system was dedicated by the Bishop of Clogher, Rt Revd John McDowell.
The new system was made possible by a gift from Ernie. For this, the Select Vestry and parishioners are very grateful.
The service was attended by Ernie’s nephews and nieces, some who had travelled from Scotland and England. Also many of his friends and neighbours from the local community.
After the service the ladies of Slavin served a soup lunch and sandwiches in the church to all present, followed by apple tart and tea. See more . .
Baptism of Luke Thomas Ovens on Easter Sunday, 16th April 2017
The baptism of Luke Thomas Ovens took place in Slavin Church on Easter Sunday, 16th April. Luke, his parents and maternal grandparents travelled from Scotland for the service. His god parents were Alan Ovens and Julie Ovens. It was a proud moment for his two great grandmothers Mrs. Gretta Ovens and Mrs. Lily Graham.
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The Christmas Family Service in Slavin
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Baptism of Robyn Earls,baby daughter of Jenna and Edwin in Slavin Church 1st Jan 2017
Robyn Earls, daughter of Edwin and Jenna was baptised at Slavin today. It was a service of Baptism with Holy Communion, conducted by Rev. Ngozi.
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Sunday School Party held in the Wark Hall. Music for the games was provided by The Lakelanders
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Children's presentation on Sunday 18th September 2016
Harvest Thanksgiving and Dedication Service in Slavin Church
Slavin Church was packed to full capacity, for a Service of Harvest Thanksgiving on Friday 16th September 2016. A poem written by Katherine Cecilia Elliott was also dedicated, to hang on the Church wall. Katherine was born in London 1850 and was the daughter of Robert Armstrong Founder, of Belleek Pottery. She attended boarding school in France and Germany. Katherine was a talented artist, musician and poet. In spite of disapproval from her parents, Katherine married James Elliott, a local tenant farmer, and they experienced great hardship in the 1870’s. Katherine who had been used to servants, had to survive by working hard, bringing up her family, on the farm.
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The Baptism of Reuban Charles Stuart Gregg
Reuben Charles Stuart Gregg, baby son of Lindsey and Jason Gregg, Callagheen, Belleek, was baptised on Sunday 21st August in Slavin Parish Church.
The Wedding of Graeme Gregg to Sandra Keague
The wedding of Graeme Gregg of Slavin Parish and Sandra McKeague took place in Slavin Church on Saturday 28th May 2016. The marriage ceremony was carried out by Rev. Ngozi Njoku. Best wished to the Bride and Groom as they make their home in Lisburn. |
Annual Prize Giving for Slavin and Belleek Sunday School
Slavin and Belleek Sunday School held their Annual Prize Giving Service on Sunday 12th June 2016 in Belleek Church.
The children led the service, did the prayers, and performed two sketches entitled, ‘The core of the Crime’, and ‘Holiday of a Lifetime’. Oisin Gregg was the Inspector in the first sketch and Sarah Johnston was Eve. In the sketch, ‘Holiday of a Lifetime’, The Travel Agent was Aoife Gregg and her clients were Ethan Johnston, Skye Love and Levi Love.
All the children sang two songs, ‘He made the stars to shine’, and ‘God loves you and I love you’.
The Junior class, Jake Gregg, Callum Gregg, Matthew Johnston, Jessica Johnston and William Pye said two prayers. . .
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The Christmas Family Service in Slavin
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Slavin Harvest Thanksgiving 2015
In Slavin, the Service was in the form of a Family Service. The Children did a presentaion and sang a Harvest Song.
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The Sunday School Christmas Party
The Sunday School Christmas Party was held on Friday 19th December in the Wark Hall Belleek. Games were organised by the Sunday School teachers and The Lakelanders provided music for the games. After tea, Father Christmas arrived and each child received a gift.
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The Christmas Family Service 2014
The Christmas Family Service was held in Slavin Church on Sunday 14th December.
The theme of the service was the letter N, which was for ‘News’, ‘Nativity’ and ‘Now’.
The service was led by Aoife Gregg, who welcomed everyone. The Readers were Ethan Johnston, Oisin Gregg, Cameron Duffy, Emma Kettyles, Carly Graham, Abi Brock, Levi Love and Skye Love.
Prayers were read by Sarah Johnston, Clare Thompson, Blake Duffy, Levi, Carly, Oisin, and Ryan Graham. Poems were read by Avril Thompson, Ethan and Sarah.
Ethan and Avril gave us examples of what was in the Fermanagh news on 11th December 2014 and then went on to tell us that the news of Jesus birth had been forecast by Isaiah many years. This news would change the world for ever. Gabriel also brought news to Mary, telling her that she was to be the mother of a special baby.
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The Baptism of Oscar Gregg in Slavin Church
The Baptism of Oscar Gregg, son of Gareth and Mary Gregg took place on Saturday 8th November in Slavin Church. The Godparents were Gordon Gregg and Natasha Griffith. Rev. Ngozi carried out the Baptism. |
Slavin Harvest - 2014
Slavin Harvest was held on Friday 18th September. Rev. Ngozi led the Service and the Preacher was Mr. Gareth Hayden, minister of Derrygonnelly and Churchill Methodist. Gareth gave us a challenging address and reminded us of the bountiful harvest we have all received. He reminded us that we need to ask ourselves if we are ‘rich’ towards God.
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The Wedding of Rebecca Nelson and Ian Hughes - Slavin
The Wedding of Rebecca Nelson and Ian Hughes was held in Slavin Church on Thursday 10th July. The guests mingled in the sunshine as they enjoyed ice cream supplied by Willow Lane. The young couple who are from Cookstown,will make their home there. Rebecca's parents, Ann and Billy are members of Slavin Parish Church. Rebecca and Ian were married by the Rector, Rev. Ngozi Njoku.
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Sunday School Prize Giving - Sunday 15th June
The Service was taken by the Sunday School Children and commenced with Aoife Gregg giving the welcome. Sarah Johnston, Levi Love and Oisin Gregg read a poen entitled 'Worship'. Aoife continued to lead . . .
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Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg Hunt after the Service in Garrison Easter Sunday. This was a time of great fun for the Children.
Mothers' Union April Service
The April Service of Mothers' Union was held in Kiltyclogher Parish Church. The organist was Joy Graham and the Service was led by the Branch Leader Elizabeth Ovens. Rev Ngozi thanked Elizabeth for serving six years as Branch Leader and welcomed Dot Barlow as the new Leader.
The ladies enjoyed a meal in Garrison Church Hall after the Service.
Mothers' Union
Mothers' Union members who attended a Diocesan Breakfast in Killyhevlin Hotel Enniskillen on Saturday 15th February. The speaker was Rev. Canon Kathy Trimby, All Ireland Faith and Policy Coordinator.
The Rector expresses her thanks to all who helped with lunch on 29th December. To date £170.00 was raised for the Sunday School Society for Ireland.
Mothers' Union Christmas Cookery
The December meeting of Mothers' Union was a Cookery Demonstration by Joy Graham.
Afterwards, supper was served with samples, which were enjoyed by everyone.
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Christmas Family Service
The Sunday School members From Slavin, Garrison and Belleek took part in the Christmas Family Service on Sunday 15th December.
The children acted out the Nativity, entitled ‘The journey of the Wise Men’.
The Wise Men travelled a long way to find the baby King. They were guided by the star and by five Riddles until they arrived with their gifts for the baby Jesus. On the way they had to deal with horrid Herod but they were very wise, because they continued their journey to Bethlehem without him. Read More . . .
Choir Christmas Dinner
A delicious meal was served in the Riverside Bar Garrison for the Choir outing.
Thanks to Dot Barlow who took care of all the organising. See more . . .
The Smiles Foundation
Myrtle Irvine was the speaker at the October Branch meeting of Mothers' Union. Using a slide show Myrtle told us about various trips she and members of her family had made to Romania. Myrtle is involved as Development Associate for The Smiles Foundation.
The Smiles Foundation is a Christian Charity which was set up in Romania 15 years ago. The Charity has a Mission Centre, close to the city of Oradea and Myrtle tries to go out once a year. They support over 200 poor families by providing them with monthly food parcels, used clothing, medication when needed and social and spiritual counselling.
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Macmillan Cancer Coffee Morning raised £1070. Thank you to all who supported, helped and donated. |
Harvest Service in Slavin
Slavin Church was decorated for Harvest on Friday 20th September and the Service was well attended by Parishioners from the other three churches and further afield. The Choir accompanied by Joy Graham sang two anthems, ‘Bountiful Harvest’ and ‘Harvest Call.’ The service was conducted by the Rector, Rev. Ngozi who welcomed everyone and thanked all who were involved with making the evening so enjoyable. The organist was Ethne Earls. Supper was served by the Slavin ladies after the service and there was plenty of time for fellowship. See more images . . .
Rev Ngozi Njoku B.A. was instituted as Rector of Garrison, Slavin, Belleek and Kiltyclogher Parishes on Friday 9th August.
The service of Institution was conducted by The Right Reverend Francis John McDowell, B.A. Hons., B.Th., Dip.B.S, Bishop of Clogher, in Belleek Parish Church. . . Read more
Rev Ngozi has arrived in the Rectory!
She was made most welcome by a Group of Parishioners and by Rev Sampson Ajuka, his wife and family.
She received the keys from Keith Kettyles who showed her around, and she was able to see all the recent work done to the Rectory.
Lots of help was on hand for unpacking and for helping assemble furniture.
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Announcement From The Diocesan Office
The Revd Ngozi Njoku has been appointed Rector of the Garrison, Slavin, Belleek and Kiltyclogher Group of Parishes.
Rev. Ngozi is currently serving in the Church of England Diocese of St Albans’s, as curate of Goldington Parish in the Borough of Bedford.
Presentation to Rev. Anita Kerr
On Sunday 27th January, we were pleased to have the Bishop of Clogher The Right Reverend John McDowell for a Service of Holy Communion. The organist was Mrs. Sadie Moore.
Easter 2013
Baptism of Malo and Summer Valmagna
Baptism of Malo and Summer the children of Rhona and Nicolas Valmagna, South of France, and the grandchildren of Florence and Robert Earls, of Slavin. Read More . . .
Slavin Parish Bag Packing in Dunnes Stores Enniskillen, May 2013
£335 was raised for church and Sunday School Funds.
The Story of the Nativity
The Children from the four Parishes presented the story of the Nativity in word and song on Sunday 16th December, in Slavin Parish Church. Read more .
Family Service - 21st October 2012.
This service, the first to be held this year, was very well attended by the Sunday School children and their parents. It was also very pleasing to see some Pre-Sunday School children present. Read more
Harvest Thanksgiving in Slavin
Slavin Parish held their Harvest Thanksgiving on Friday 21st September. The Church was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The preacher was Mr Karl Saunders. The preacher on Sunday 23rd was Rev. Isabel Nixon. Read more
Congratulations to Graeme Gregg and Sandra McKeague on their recent engagement.
15th July, in Slavin Church, Henry John Leslie, son of Lindsey and Jason Gregg was Baptised
The Godparents were David Todd and Stephanie Gregg. The lessons were read by Graeme Gregg and Lindsey’s sister, Joanne. see more
Bag packing in Tesco
Slavin Parish and Sunday School bag packed in Tesco store in Enniskillen on Friday 6th July to raise extra funds. See more
Slavin and Belleek Sunday School
Children's Prize Giving on Sunday 17th June 2012. The Sunday School children led the service and did prayers and bible readings. They presented 2 plays entitled 'Daniel in the Lions' Den' and 'Doctor Doctor' . They also sang 'I've got the joy, joy, joy down in my heart' and 'Daniel was a man of prayer' .
They are pictured with the Revd Anita Kerr and Sunday School leaders Doreen Earls and Florence Earls.
Slavin Parish - Harvest Concert
On Friday 18th September 2009 Slavin Church was decorated splendidly with arrangements of flowers, fruit and vegetables, for the Harvest Concert. The Church was under repair last Harvest and this year it rose to the occasion. See more
Before and After
Slavin Parish - Renovations
Slavin Church underwent major refurbishment in 2008. The existing Vestry was converted to provide toilet facilities. A new kitchen/vestry was built on; the interior of the Church was completely renovated with newly plastered walls, floor, ceiling, lights and pews. The roof was replaced and the exterior also plastered. See more